I’ve been participating in an online Bible Study the past few weeks as we “shelter in place.” It has been very encouraging, albeit challenging. I am still processing a virtual discussion that the group had concerning idols.
Idols were defined as “anything that consumes our thoughts and hearts more than God.” And after class, the dictionary confirmed that definition. Idol: Any object of ardent or excessive devotion or admiration. Ezekiel 14:30 says that, “men have set up idols in their hearts.” And so, I've been prayerfully considering the idea that excessive thoughts that preoccupy my heart and mind can be idols.
Do you have a problem or concern that seems to constantly plague your thoughts? Perhaps you are dealing with health issues, financial instability, or a breech in an important relationship? Or maybe you have concerns about how COVID-19 will affect your family and friends? Are you consumed with fear and doubt? Is your inability to deal with your circumstances debilitating at times? Have you given up hope that God is going to provide a solution for your dilemma?
Personally, I have allowed a particular problem to consume my thoughts for quite some time. The thought of this being an “idol” seemed a bit melodramatic at first. However, I confess that it has impacted my ability to cope with life and interact with those around me. It has also caused me to doubt whether God is listening to my prayers. In a recent chapter of the book in our online study, I was reminded of my need to “shift (my) focus from the circumstances and fasten it on the Person who has the power to do what He promised.” (Jennifer Kennedy Dean)
God’s Word is full of His promises. And so, instead of “devoting” my time to worrying about the outcome of my problem, with God’s help, I will choose to take Him at His Word. I can trust Him because He has proven Himself faithful time and time again. It is the only way that I will find true peace in the midst of difficult circumstances. I pray that you will be able to do the same.
“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the PEACE of GOD, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7